Saturday, July 27, 2013

International Proletariat 40

No, you should not be deleted for that. In fact as long as some thing does not happen it seems an utopia. The law of dialectical materialism is -- continuous, evolutionary, quantitative changes, maturing into revolutionary, qualitative changes. And no time-scheme can be set for that. Most visible examples in India, since my student days, are Dalit (in US, balck) assertion and scholarship and feminist assertion and scholarship. The changes are still only quantitative, total emancipation from patriarchy and racism has yet to go a long way. The rise of anti-jingoistic and anti-imperialist consciousness in an increasing sections of WORKERS IN the US is also an example of quantitative evolutionary changes, that are bound to lead to revolutionary qualitative changes. The link b/w 'class in itself' to 'class for itself' is most vital. That is the task ahead for us.

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